Azolla si hijau mungil kaya nutrisi buat lingkungan hayati

Azolla si suplier Hara, sebagai substitusi pupuk anorganik

Sebagaimana kita ketahui, pengembangan pertanian khususnya padi sawah merupakan tanaman budidaya yang secara luas telah banyak dikembangkan dibeberapa negara termasuk di Indonesia.  Salah satu permasalahan yang kini dihadapi para petani adalah menurunya kesuburan lahan.  Permasalahan ini secara umum disebabkan karena terus dipacunya lahan untuk berproduksi semaksimal mungkin secara terus menerus untuk mengejar peningkatan produktivitas.

Tidak disadari hal ini berakibat pada pengurasan unsur hara dari dalam tanah secara tidak terkendali, terutama unsur hara Nitrogen dan yang lebih kritis lagi adalah makin berkurangnya bahan organik di dalam tanah.   Untuk mengatasinya diperlukan input yang bukan hanya mampu menyediakan unsur hara terutama Nitrogen namun sekaligus mampu memperkaya bahan organik tanah.  Input ini berperan sebagai suplemen tambahan pupuk kimia yang biasa di pakai oleh para petani.

Salah satu sumber input alternatif  ini Azzola.  Azzola adalah pupuk hijau yang dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber Nitrogen (N) alternatif yang cocok dikembangkan oleh para petani dan sangat mudah untuk diaplikasikan serta relatif murah karena tidak memerlukan biaya tambahan  yang memberatkan petani.

Azolla terbukti meningkatkan produksi padi karena mampu menghasilkan nitrogen yang diperlukan tanaman. Tumbuhan air itu mengumpulkan 2-4 kg nitrogen/ha/hari, setara 10-20 kg amonium sulfat. Kemampuan itu karena peran ganggang  biru Anabaena azollae. Melalui hubungan saling menguntungkan, azolla menghasilkan nutrisi dan rongga daun untuk berlindung bakteri, sedangkan si bakteri mengikat nitrogen untuk tanamannya. Dalam kondisi menguntungkan, populasi azolla berlipat ganda dalam 3—5 hari. Nitrogen terikat jauh lebih banyak dibandingkan tanaman anggota famili Leguminosae alias kacang-kacangan.

Pemakaian azolla di berbagai negara terbukti menaikkan produktivitas padi 10—30%. Makanya petani di Cina dan Vietnam puluhan abad memanfaatkannya. Orang Vietnam memanfaatkan azolla sebagai pabrik pupuk nitrogen yang tidak bisa rusak. Saat perang Vietnam berkecamuk, azolla tetap diproduksi secara alami. Terbukti, meski dalam kondisi terimpit, Vietnam tetap mampu mengeskpor beras. Penggunaan azolla dapat mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap pupuk buatan, yang pemanfaatannya dalam jangka panjang kurang menguntungkan bagi kesehatan manusia dan menurunkan sifat granulasi tanah.

Azolla sebenarnya gampang dibudidayakan. Siapkan sebidang tanah berukuran 100 m2 untuk persemaian. Sebaiknya tanah itu dibuat seperti sawah yang tentu saja sudah dicangkul dan diairi setinggi 5—7 cm. Masukkan sekitar 7 kg azolla ke kolam. Agar pertumbuhan lebih cepat, taburkan pupuk kandang saat persiapan kolam. Dalam tempo seminggu, permukaan air sudah tertutupi azolla.

Komposisi Kimia dari Azolla

Chemical Composition of Azolla

from :

Sl. No Constituents Composition on Dry Weight Basis (%)
01. Ash 10.5
02. Crude Fibre 9.1
03. Crude Fat 3.0 – 3.3
04. Starch 6.5
05. Soluble Sugar 3.5
06. Crude Proteins 24.0 – 30.0
07. Nitrogen 4.0 – 5.0
08. Phosphorus 0.5 – 0.9
09. Potassium 2.0 – 4.5
10. Calcium 0.4 – 1.0
11. Magnesium 0.5 – 0.6
12. Manganese 0.11 – 0.16
13. Iron 0.06 – 0.26
14. Chlorophyll 0.34 – 0.55
15. Water Holding Capacity 360
16. Color Brownish
17. Smell Fishy
18. Moisture Content 94 (Fresh Azolla)

Apakah Azzola itu?

Azzola adalah semacam tumbuhan paku air yang berukuran mini sekitar 3-4 cm yang bersimbiosis dengan bakteri Cyanobacteria pemfiksasi Nitrogen yaitu bakteri Anabaena azzollae.  Simbiosis ini menyebabkan azzolla mempunyai kualitas hara yang baik.  Azzolla sudah berabad-abad digunakan oleh para petani di Cina dan Vietnam.  Sebagai sumber Nitrogen bagi padi sawah.

Azzola secara alami tumbuh di banyak kawasan seperti di Asia, Amerika dan Eropa.  Azzolla mempunyai beberapa spesies, antara yang sudah diidentifikasi seperti Azolla caroliniana, Azolla filiculoides, Azolla mexicana, Azzolla microphylla, Azolla nilotica, Azolla pinnata var pinnata, Azolla pinnata var imbricata dan Azolla rubra.

Azzola sebagai Sumber Penyumbang Nitrogen (N).

Badan Tenaga Atom Internasional (IAEA) telah mengadakan penelitian internasional termasuk di dalam Badan Tenaga Atom Nasional (BATAN) terlibat di dalamnya.  Hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa Azzolla yang bersimbiosis dengan Anabaena azzollae dapat memfiksasi N2 Udara dari 70% – 90%.  N2 fiksasi yang terakumulasi ini yang dapat digunakan sebagai sumber N bagi padi sawah.  Dari beberapa penelitian diperoleh bahwa laju pertumbuhan Azzolla adalah 0,355 – 0,390 gram per hari (di laboratorium) dan 0,144 – 0,890 gram per hari (di lapangan).

Pada umumnya biomassa Azzolla maksimum tercapai setelah 14 – 28 hari setelah inokulasi.  Dari hasil penelitian BATAN diketahui bahwa dengan menginokulasikan 200 gram Azzolla segar per meter persegi maka setelah 3 minggu Azzolla tersebut akan menutupi seluruh permukaan lahan tempat Azzolla tersebut ditumbuhkan.  Dalam keadaan ini dapat dihasilkan 30 – 40 kilogram Nitrogen per hektar.  Jumlah ini kira-kira setara dengan 100 kilogram Urea. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa Azzolla dapat tumbuh dan berkembang dengan lebih baik pada musim kemarau.

Lapisan Azzolladi atas permukaan lahan sawah dapat menghemat penggunaan Urea sebesar 50 kilogram Urea per hektar.  Kadangkala bila musim sangat baik, Azzolla dapat menghemat pemakaian pupuk Urea sampai 100 kilogram Urea per hektar.  Dengan demikian aplikasi Azzollla di lahan padi sawah dapat menghemat penggunaan pupuk buatan.

Menakjubkan bukan, kekayaan alam hayati Indonesia, jika digali dan dimanfaatkan terus…………..

Mengapa tidak kita mulai dari sekarang…?

Sargassum sp

Sargassum sp (brown algae) live on the coast, the brown color because of the pigment fikosantin (brown), chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and xantofil. The body is shaped like a yarn or sheet that can reach tens of meters. Reproduction by vegetative fragmentation, c whereas generative with isogami and Oogami.
– Laminaria
– Fucus
– Turbinaria
– Sargasum
The role of brown algae:
– Producing alginic acid, as a mixture of ice cream, paint, pharmaceuticals, synthetic latex
– Source I2 (iodine) and K (potassium)
– As fodder
Brown / blonde, as a result of assimilation and as a food substance. Not found starch, live in fresh water, the sea and the temperate and cold areas, life attached to rocks, wood, and there are live as endophyte.
According to Abbot (1978) classification of the brown algae is as follows:
Division: Phaeophyta
Classsis: Phaeophyceae
Order: Fucales
Family: Sargassaceae
Genus: Sargassum
Species: Sargassum sp
Sargassum sp is one of the plant species of algae that are included in the division Phaeophyta. Sargassum sp alginate as the basic raw material has the potential and utilization of the many unspoiled, far alginate was obtained by imports. Indonesia has good potential as a producer of seaweed such as agar-agar, and carrageenan Algin. To meet the need within Indonesia still imports agar, carrageenan Algin and in large enough quantities. In 1981-1984 Indonesia to import order worth U.S. $ 410,958 per year and Algin U.S. $ 5.050426 per year not including carrageenan. Total order and Algin average of U.S. $ 5,461,385 per year. And Algin value that is nearly 30 times the value of seaweed exports in the same period. In the waters of Indonesia is estimated there are more than 15 types of algae Sargassum sp and have been known to reach 12 types. While in the waters of the Indo-Pacific were 58 types. Habitat Sargassum sp algae growing in the clear-flowing waters at a depth of 0.5 to 10 m, has a base substrate rocks, dead coral, volcanic rocks and objects that are massive in the bottom waters (Anonymous, 2008).
The reproductive system of Sargassum sp is vegetative reproduction through fragmentation. This method is mostly done for the cultivation. The development of the individual generative reproduction through male organs (antheridia) and female organs (oogenia). Inside there is plenty of Sargassum sp implies inter alia that the main chemical ingredients alginate and contain protein, vitamin C, tannin, iodine, anti-bacteria and tumor (Trono & Ganzo, 1988). Alginate composed of amino acids D-and L-Manuronik Guluronik. Duarte et al (2001) reported that Sargassum sp fucoida able to synthesize two different types of structure, namely the presentation GlcA fucoida higher and lower sulfate and fucoida with GlcA and sulfate in large numbers concentrated in the residue fucoida with fucosa and galactose as major components (Subagya, Day. 1987)

The content of Sargassum are :

  • Inside there is plenty of Sargassum sp implies inter alia that the main chemical ingredients alginate and contain protein, vitamin C, tannin, iodine, anti-bacteria and tumors.
  • Being able to synthesize two structurally different types fucoida the presentation GlcA fucoida higher and lower sulfate and fucoida with GlcA and sulfate in large numbers concentrated in the residue fucoida with fucosa and galactose as major components.
  • As a source of nutrition, seaweed contains carbohydrates (sugar or vegetable-gum), protein, less fat, and ash were largely a compound of sodium and potassium salts. In addition, kelp also contains vitamins, such as A, B1, B2, B6, B12, and C; carotene, as well as minerals, bleak potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, and iodine.
  • Hydrocolloid of seaweed (Carragenan, Agar and Alginate) is necessary considering its function as a gelling agent, stabilizer, emulsifier agent, pensuspesi, dispersants are useful in various industries such as food, beverages, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, paint and other industries such as textiles, film , animal feed, ceramics, paper, photography and others.


What is Guano Phosphate offering?
Our main fertilizer product is Guano Phosphate origin of Java Indonesia. This is a natural phosphorus rich fertilizer that combines the benefits of some fast availability with a steady release of phosphorus to better match plant needs.

What is Guano Phosphate ?Image

Guano phosphate was precipitated minerals derived from the remains of sea life items such as bird droppings, bones, egg shells were piled into fossil seabirds. After thousands of years of heat and the process of leaching by rainwater causing elements and react with dissolved phosphate rock beneath the limestone is generally derived from marine life (coral reefs) and has become the land that eventually became Guano Phosphate minerals with the chemical makeup of the rock apatite Ca 10 (PO 4) 6 (F, Cl, OH) 2; Flour apatite Ca 10F2 (PO4) 6; Francolite Ca 10F2 (PO4)  CaCO3 and various other chemical bonds.

Our Guano is derived from natural deposits of Guano phosphate from Indonesia. It is a 100% natural product that is mined on the Islands of Java. These deposits occur only in hot tropical regions of the world where the deposits from millions of sea birds have accumulated over millions of years. Our Guano is the product of the decomposition of accumulated sea bird droppings, carcasses, shells and animal bones. Comprising mainly dicalcium phosphate, Our Guano has been found to provide available phosphate throughout the year whilst continuously stimulating microbial activity in the soil.

Why is Phosphorus Important?
Phosphorus carries out many essential roles in all living organisms. It is integral to DNA, several enzyme systems and plays an active role in energy accumulation (e.g. photosynthesis), storage and use.
Plants: Phosphorus is usually the third most common mineral element in plants (behind calcium and potassium) and is one of the three major elements from the “NPK” term in fertilizer. It is commonly the main mineral element limiting production in soil farming systems. Nitrogen is not a mineral but is a major element essential for all organisms and often in short supply in farming. Phosphorus is a major requirement for legume plants to fix (or make available) nitrogen in the soil.
Animals: In addition to the roles mentioned above, vertebrate animals including humans require phosphorus for bones and teeth. Phosphorus is one of the most abundant minerals in these animals (second only to calcium).

What advantages has Guano Phosphate have compared with other P fertilizer?
Guano phosphate has primarily phosphate in the dicalcium form. This is not water soluble so doesn’t all release at once. The dicalcicium phosphate is soluble in the presence of weak acids like citric acid. This means that plant roots and mycorhizae (fungi in association with plant roots) are able to easily access the phosphorus. It is also available to other soil life to the benefit of soil biological activity.

The monocalcic phosphate form of superphosphate and the phosphate form in DAP (di-ammonium phosphate) fertilizers are water soluble. The phosphate thus can go immediately into solution in the soil. This can potentially lead to excess uptake of phosphorus by plants as they cannot completely control the balance of nutrients that they uptake. It also affects the balance with other elements present in the soil solution potentially reducing the availability and uptake of major elements like calcium and trace elements like copper and zinc. In turn the excess phosphorus can affect the nutrient balance in livestock grazing affected pasture and the amount of phosphorus that could be wasted or held up from nutrient cycling in dung.

Benefits for Biological Farming

Biological Farming is gaining ground worldwide. Proponents often talk about going “beyond organics” in terms of achieving high production with a strong emphasis on quality of produce through paying attention to biological systems in the soil and farm in general. We see Natural Guano Phosphate as offering significant benefits to Biological Farmers. The following article expands on our view;

They can also benefit from the following attributes of Natural Guano Phosphate:

Soil Biology
The lack of an excess release of phosphorus can be beneficial for soil biology. Mycorrhizae (fungi in association with plant roots that improve phosphorus, general mineral and water uptake) are limited by high phosphorus levels in soil solution. Earthworms benefit from the calcium released from guano phosphate and calcium availability to earthworms can also be improved if phosphorus is not released in excess.

Nutrient Balance
An important tenant in Biological Farming is achieving a Nutrient Balance and also in having good Calcium availability. The steady release of phosphorus and the liming effect of Viafos Natural Guano Phosphate fit this aim.

Trace Elements
Silicon is an element of increasing interest in soil science. While there is still research required to better understand the significance of this element for agricultural production,

Biological Farming proponents see value in this element for strengthening plant cells, aiding resistance to pests and diseases and generally improving nutrient uptake and plant quality and productivity. Natural Guano Phosphate has excellent levels of silicon and other trace elements while having comparably low levels of potential negative heavy metals (like mercury, cadmium and lead) and a low level of fluoride.